Mid-Cheshire Youth Football League

Mid-Cheshire Youth Football League
Season: 2024-25
Last update: Sunday 15th December 2019 @ 06:30
Visitors this week: 46
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Northwich Victoria Juniors Under 12

Phil Berry (Mngr)     Email
Usual Kick-Off Time: 10:30

Website: http://www.northwichvicsjfc.co.uk/ 
The Ground played at:
Belmont Rd - Northwich Cheshire CW9 7HT 
If heading west along A556 Northwich ByPass turn right at the lights at Roberts Bakery, if heading east turn left instead. Follow the road to the end and turn right at the T junction. Take the 2nd Left into Agecroft Road, then 1st left. The pitch is on your right handside.

Ground details updated: System Administrator